CNS Neurosurgery    |    Elegant, safe and effective skull reconstruction materials I can depend on

Elegant, safe and effective skull reconstruction materials I can depend on

There are some excellent products available to neurosurgeons for skull reconstruction. Here are examples of my personal favourite materials, images from recent surgeries:

Image 1, below: After brainstem microvascular decompression. The mini-craniotomy is of a size less than the diameter of an Australian 50c coin.

Image 2, below: After re-do and extended craniotomy for multiple recurrent WHO II meningiomas.

Image 3, below: After re-do surgery for recurrent brain cancer (GBM).

These materials (cements, titanium, glues, dural matrices) are really helpful in restoring the anatomical layers and barriers, and structural integrity of the operated region. I have relied on such wonderful time-tested products for years.


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